
ChatGPT for your website, documents & team.

Build custom chatbots using your own data, embed it on your website or share it with your team.

See how to build your own AI-Assistant in minutes...

OpenAI logo in monochrome displayed on the Lingobotics website
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Google Cloud Logo
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Built with trusted + secure technologies

The easiest way to build intelligent AI tools

Lingobotics training data example in the admin portal
ChatGPT trained on your own data

LingoBot is configured to respond based on supplied data only. Safely upload anything from product specifications, company policies, contracts or support documentation. Rest at ease that the bot will never invent or respond with answers outside of what was supplied.

Easily select from an array of languages to use
Automatic translations

Lingobotics can detect any language and chat to customers without manual translation. Currently we support 20 high accuracy languages and 25 medium accuracy languages.

Example UI of customer insights in Lingobotics
See what customers really want

Automatically rank the most frequently asked topics. Intelligently detect blindspots in your datasets and make training updates in real-time.

Managed & monitored by humans

Trained, tested and monitored by you! Ensure trusted responses and manage updates as the bot interacts with your audience.

UI example of how humans can monitor chatbot answers and supply additional context

Automate your customer experience like never before...

From small businesses to large support centres, Lingobotics buys back time for your organisation and does it at an unprecedented scale.

Lingobotics offers ChatGPT AI Solutions for Financial Services, Healthcare, Client Services, Consulting, E-commerce, Recruiting & Manufacturing to name just a few.


Provide your LingoBot with training data.

It’s as simple as uploading a PDF file or supplying it with links to your website. We provide a step by step guide and helpful tips. Once uploaded you can edit the content directly in the admin panel.


Configure without writing any code.

You can ‘program’ your bots by giving it simple written instructions. No code required. Give it a name, a purpose and basic guardrails.


Test & adjust directly in the admin panel.

Use our automated testing environment to see how the LingoBot will behave when speaking to customers or team members.


Insert the code snippet on your site.

It takes less than 5 minutes to launch your own ChatGPT AI Assistant!

Frequently Asked Questions

When will Lingobotics be ready?

Lingbotics is currently in closed beta and we're aiming to launch the first open beta version by mid July 2023. Please join the waitlist to be notified.

What features are in the beta version?

Currently you can create AI Chatbots using your own data in PDF format and embed them on the web. You can edit the bot name, basic personality parameters, default language, up to 5 additional languages and tweak the bot styling.

What does Lingobotics cost?

Lingbotics will be completely free during beta while we tweak the application and add more valuable features. Once we launch v1 there will be 3 subscription tiers ranging from $19 to $299 per month with discounted pricing when signing up for an annual subscription.

What features are you planning to add?

Near-term features include updated subscription plans, additional document types & data sources, detailed chat logs, analytics and chat sentiment. We're also working on inline embed widgets, escalating chats to a human agents, API access, integrations and link sharing. Keep an eye out for updates on progress via email and on our social media channels.

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LingoBot is on call 24/7

Buy back time, reduce human costs, automate support functions and increase customer success.

Diagram to show how Lingobotics uses OpenAI to formulate responses

Already used by companies like Microsoft, Stripe, Morgan Stanley and Shopify

Gain Deep Insights

Detailed analytics. See sentiment of chats, accuracy & confidence metrics and review responses.
- Coming Soon

An example graph indicating sentiment analytics
AI Personality

Tell your bot how to act & respond. Put safeguards in place. Formal or Sassy you decide!

A dial showing a range from formal to informal
An image of multiple languages that can be selected using buttons
Multilingual Support

Let LingoBot keep your customers happy no matter what language they speak.

An image showing how Lingobotics can automate customer experience by dealing with queries.
Reduce Human Costs

From Solopreneurs to Enterprise clients, Lingobotics can help you unlock more revenue.

Icons of various applications that Lingobotics plans to build integrations for in the near future.

Integrate with your favourite CRM, Instant Messenger or No-code tools using our API or SDK - Coming Soon

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